
  • 100% NATURAL: Lewisia in Organics Mulethi or licorice powder is 100% natural. It is prepared from high-quality mulethi roots, which are dried and processed naturally. It is free from any preservatives or chemicals.
  • TRIPLE FILTERED MICROFINE POWDER: Lewisia in Organics mulethi powder undergoes triple filteration process to achieve very fine particles which makes it super beneficial for preparing face and hair packs.
  • MULETHI POWDER FOR EATING: Lewisia in Organics Licorice powder can be used for eating purposes as it is prepared from high- quality Mulethi
  • GETS RID OF DARKS SPOTS AND BLACK MARKS ON THE SKIN : Lewisia in Organics Mulethi Powder can be mixed with water and yoghurt for blemish free skin and face.
  • DELAYS AGING OF THE SKIN : It defends the skin from damage caused by oxidative stress and free radicals. In the process it slows down or halts the tell-tale signs of aging.
  • SKIN BEAUTIFIER : Lewisia in Organics Mulethi Powder makes the skin clear and protects against harmful sun rays and environmental pollution.
  • USEFUL FOR GLOWING SKIN: It is comparable to sandalwood and turmeric in making the skin fairer.
April 25, 2024
TCA PEEL ( 50 ML )
April 25, 2024